Gas Chlorinator Manufacturers in India
Chlorinator Manufacturers India
Chlorine Dosing System Manufacturers India
Chlorine Vaporizer
Gas Chlorinator India
Chlorination System Manufacturers
Gas Chlorinator India
Cylinder or Tonner Mounted Models

- For capacities from 100gms/hr to 10 kgs/hr.
- MOC: FRP Cabinet, HDPE, PVC, PTFE, Hastalloy C internals.
- Suitable for: Swimming pool, Drinking Water, smaller capacity Water treatment plant and Potable water treatment in power plant.
Floor Mounted Models

The simple yet advanced design of the various components reduce the maintenance to a bare minimum. All the components are easily accessible from the rear of the cabinet for periodic Inspection and Maintenance.
The Chlorinator is pre-assembled and is fully tested under simulated operating condition. This saves time and money during installation and helps towards a smooth start-up.
- For capacities from 100 gms/hr to 1000 kgs/hr.
- Auto Flow Proportionate feature (Optional).
- MOC: FRP Cabinet, HDPE, PVC, PTFE, Hastalloy C internals.
- Suitable for : Drinking water, effluent treatment, sewage treatment, cooling water and raw water treatment in power plant.
Wall Mounted Models (Model: INDICHLOR VW)

- For capacities from 100 gms/hrto 5kgs/hr.
- MOC:FRP Cabinet, HDPE, PVC, PTFE, Hastalloy C internals.
- Suitable for : Drinking water, Water treatment plant, Potable water treatment in power plant.
Test Data
Test Data